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Challenges in enterprise mobile application development

With the massive number of mobile apps that are implemented for enterprises, it is predicted that 2016 will be a year of taking enterprise mobility to the next level. Enterprises are not only thinking about implementation, they are focusing on improving processes and efficiency of employees with anytime, anywhere access that is provided by mobile devices.


Mobile application development for internal apps that are required by enterprises will be in demand. These apps have different requirements and different features than those apps that are developed for public app stores. Each enterprise has a set of existing technology and the app must blend with the existing set up. Completely changing the setup may turn out to be an extremely expensive affair. There are plenty of such challenges that need to be addresses.

Here are a few challenges that enterprise mobile application development:


Enterprise security requires a user login and credentials for each user and there should be a secure authentication in place. Integration with the enterprise LDAP servers is a must and should comply with their single sign on policies. There should be server validation and checks rather than client side validations. This improves the app performance. Data should always be encrypted so that if the mobile device is lost or misplaced, the enterprise data is not compromised. Security features definitely need to be thought through before you begin developing the app.

User Interface

Functionality beats beauty when it comes to enterprise mobile applications. This does not mean that you completely ignore beauty. Some fundamentals of aesthetics must be met. But features and functionality always have greater importance in enterprise mobile apps. These applications are used to improve the efficiency of employees and business processes. Thus, their beautification can be limited and functionality needs to be a top priority. The app will be more successful if it does not look that trendy, but helps an employee perform better. The overall success of the app depends on how much it aids the business and acts as a support to the entire process. A developer needs to think in that direction and then plan the app features and functionality.


The development technology used is also a challenge. For mobile applications, there has always been a tough choice between HTML apps and native apps. Native apps are platform dependent. HTML based apps are more portable and are hence becoming increasingly popular. More and more businesses prefer web apps that can be accessed from any device and from anywhere. Selecting native apps depends on the purpose the app is going to serve. If the app needs to operate on many form factors without any alterations to the code, HTML5 could be your best bet. Hybrid apps are those that include the positives of both native and web apps. These kinds of apps are becoming very popular for mobile apps development.

Overall, it is important to note that, enterprise mobile application development needs special attention to some of the factors of development.

Image Credit : http://goo.gl/9bIqBw