Monthly Archives: August 2016

Think from a viewer’s perspective for graphics design

Graphics design is a field that is vast and versatile. Graphics are required for social media, website banners, website ads and lots more. A designer needs to consider a lot of things before creating graphic masterpieces. The colors, the fonts and the placement of all the elements on the limited area available – all make a huge difference in the final impact of the design. Creating eye-catching graphics is truly a job of a creative mind.

Creative Graphic Design

Here are a few things that a graphics designer needs to consider while creating graphics:

Limit your type faces

Carefully select the typefaces that you want to use for your graphics. Make sure that you use simple and easy to read fonts for creating graphics. Applying a number of different fonts only makes your graphics difficult to read and it’s plainly annoying! So, stick to simplicity when it comes to selecting typefaces.

Scaling is good

Apply scale to the type and shapes that need proportional emphasis. Use appropriate colors to improve the emphasis on the fonts that you wish your readers to notice. It gives your graphics a visual order.

Dead spaces

Use letter spacing to fill up the dead spaces in your graphic. Reduce the spaces where you feel it’s needed. But overall, make sure that the entire page has properly placed elements without any dead spaces.

Clever with colors

It’s always a good idea to choose a color scheme with at least one to three primary colors and a few secondary colors. You can mix it up with different tones of the same color and adjust the brightness and contrast so that the look distinct and readable.

Crisp and clear

Adjusting the brightness of the background offsets the text color and makes it clean and clear to read. It gives an overall crisp and neat look.

Choose the right fonts

It is always a good idea to not choose very fancy fonts. The readability of the graphics is lost completely. Hence select fonts that are simple. For example, fonts with rounded edges have a friendly note and fonts that are cornered and geometric could convey a sophisticated look.


A well balanced design is aesthetically pleasing. Lines and shapes that are aligned perfectly gives your artwork a perfect look and a balanced composition that a well thought of design requires.

Keep it simple

Finally, keep the entire graphic simple. Do not try to cram too many elements in a really small space. Make sure that each element has a space of its own and is not lost among the others. The cleaner the look, the better it is for your viewers to read it without straining their eyes.

Finally, graphics design requires a lot of creativity, but make sure that you do not get carried away. Understand the limitations of how far you can go with creativity and always think from a viewer’s perspective. Selecting the right typefaces, fonts etc. with the right combination of colors against a perfect background enables you to create the perfect graphics for your next design project. is an US based graphic design agency which provides high quality of services like search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, social media, mobile app development, digital marketing, mobile apps development, ecommerce web development and more.